Newly married couple wearing Scottish wedding rings

August's Year of Stories Winner

Congratulations to our August Year of Stories winner, Claire Sharpe. We asked for stories with a 'romantic moments' theme and we can't imagine anything more romantic than Claire's story about her choice of Ola Gorie wedding rings. 

 Claire writes:

‘My husband Neil and I got married on 22nd April 2022. We had a small traditional Scottish wedding and chose Ola Gorie Stroma rings to symbolise our marriage.



‘The rings remind me of the tide, which we think is a good symbol for our marriage: constant and unstoppable yet a reminder that life has its ups and downs. In our case, we had planned to be married in 2020 but like many others had to hold off due to Covid. Because of this our wedding plans changed and grew smaller. But on the day it was totally perfect and totally us. 



‘We are both keen sailors, and it was our love of the sea that brought us together eight years ago. So it’s lovely to have wedding bands that are also connected to the sea.

‘I feel like they were made for us.’  

They were, Claire and Neil, they were!

You can see Claire's ring here and Neil's ring here. The diamond-set Stroma engagement ring can be seen here. All Stroma rings are made specially to order.

We will be sending Claire her £100 voucher to spend on Ola Gorie Jewellery soon. If you'd like to win £100 to spend at Ola Gorie, send us your Ola story.


September's theme is...

History and Heritage

Many of Ola’s designs take inspiration from ancient objects and images.

Some sources go back thousands of years, like the carvings found at the Ness of Brodgar Neolithic site, or the Viking graffiti from Maes Howe. Others are much more modern, like the wonderful architectural and decorative motifs of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh, from a century ago.

How about you? Are you interested in Orcadian or Scottish history? Do any of Ola’s designs resonate with an ancient site you have visited, or an object from our rich heritage?

Share your Ola Gorie history story, and you could win a £100 voucher!

You can read our Year of Stories Competition terms & conditions here

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